Figure 7. Growing YS domain produces activator peak insertion.
When we command the rectangular YS domain to extend over time (by setting the length of the rectangular to be a function of time. The initial length of the rectangular area is 10 space steps. The length increases by 1 space step every 10,000 time steps; the width of the rectangular is held constant at 5 space steps, space step dx = 0.3, and time step dt = 0.4 dx2), A/H dynamics forms the activator peak insertion. The left column is the change of activator spatial pattern over time, and the right column is the corresponding spatial pattern of YS domain. Time increases from top to bottom. The first activator peak appears at the open end the YS domain (marked by the asterisk). More activator peaks will be induced and emerge right behind the leading activator peak when the growth creates enough space (marked by double-arrows).