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. 2014 Jul 22;9(7):e103107. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103107

Table 4. Efficacy of blockers: summary of post hoc analyses* from bitter rankings in the paired-comparison test 1 by TAS2R38 genotype for each of the two blockers when combined with PROP in each of the two groups: children and adults (means ± SEM).

Blocker = NaG Genotype PROP PROP+NaG NaG Diluent
Children AA 2.7±0.2a 2.4±0.2a 2.8±0.2a 2.1±0.2a
AP 3.5±0.1a 3.1±0.1a 1.9±0.1b 1.6±0.1b
PP 3.5±0.1a 3.2±0.1a 1.6±0.1b 1.7±0.1b
All genotypes 3.3±0.1a 2.9±0.1a 2.1±0.1b 1.7±0.1b
Adults AA 2.5±0.2a,b 3.0±0.1a 2.5±0.2a,b 1.9±0.2b
AP 3.5±0.1a 3.3±0.1a 1.8±0.1b 1.4±0.1b
PP 3.5±0.1a 3.4±0.1a 1.9±0.1b 1.2±0.1b
All genotypes 3.3±0.1a 3.2±0.1a 2.0±0.1b 1.5±0.1c
Blocker = MSG Genotype PROP PROP+MSG MSG Diluent
Children AA 2.4±0.2a 2.8±0.2a 2.8±0.2a 2.0±0.2a
AP 3.3±0.1a 3.0±0.1a 2.2±0.2b 1.5±0.1c
PP 3.2±0.2a 3.1±0.2a 1.8±0.2b 1.9±0.2b
All genotypes 3.0±0.1a 3.0±0.1a 2.3±0.1b 1.7±0.1c
Adults AA 2.6±0.2a 2.7±0.2a 2.8±0.2a 1.9±0.2a
AP 3.4±0.1a 3.2±0.1a 2.0±0.1b 1.4±0.1c
PP 3.5±0.1a 3.3±0.1a 2.0±0.1b 1.2±0.1b
All genotypes 3.2±0.1a 3.1±0.1a 2.2±0.1b 1.5±0.1c

Abbreviations: PROP, propylthiouracil; SEM, standard error of the mean. Putative bitter blockers—NaG, 0.3 M sodium gluconate; MSG, 0.1 M glutamate. Rankings for bitterness range from 1 (least) to 4 (most); see Table S1 for ranking procedure. Different letters indicate rankings that are statistically different from each other within each row. Genotypes (AA, AP, PP) refer to the bitter-sensitive (P) and bitter-insensitive (A) forms of A49P alleles of the TAS2R38 bitter receptor gene.1All Friedman statistical tests of rank tests were significant at p≤0.05.