Figure 6. Expression of neuronal-associated transcription factors in NPC cultures following HSV-1 infection.
A. Representative blots from nuclear protein lysates probed with antibodies against phospho-CREB (pCREB) and total CREB (neuronal survival), NeuroD (maturation of neuroblasts), and SOX2 (NPC/progenitor cell proliferation) 1 (1d), 2 (2d), and 3 (3d) pi. Antibodies against TATA binding protein and GAPDH were used as nuclear and cytoplasm loading controls respectively. B. Densitometry analysis of pCREB, NeuroD, and SOX2 at each time point pi. All band intensity was normalized to TATA and the signal for pCREB was also normalized to the intensity of CREB. The results are expressed as intensity of infected to UI ± SEM (n=at least 3 total replicates from 2 independent experiments for each group *p<0.05 comparing infected to uninfected samples by paired T test comparison).