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. 2014 Jul 13;4(9):931–944. doi: 10.7150/thno.9663

Table 2.

Publications of aptamer-mediated nano-vehicles, physico-chemical and tumoricidal characterizations in the recent years.

Physico-chemical Property Anti-tumor Potency Reference
Vehicle Drug Drug loading Release profile Cancer model(cell line) Study type
DNA (28) Triblock co- polymer NPs* Dox LP 3.64% pH-responsive:
70.30% in PBS, 48h
MCF-7, PANC-1 In vitro Lale SV, et al. 2014
DNA (28) Carbon nanotube Dox DNS DNS Nude mice bearing xenograft (PC3 cell) In vitro &
In vivo
Zhang H, et al. 2014
DNA (38) Liposome Dox LP 12.5% Hydrolytic release:
10% in plasma, 24h
Nude mice bearing xenograft (MCF-7) In vitro &
In vivo
Xing H, et al. 2013
DNA (26) Mesoporous silica NPs Dox LP 4.6% pH-responsive:
72% in PBS, 50h
MCF-7,MDA MB-231 In vitro Li LL, et al. 2012
DNA (26) PLGA-lecithin-PEG NPs Ptx EE 60.93% Hydrolytic release:
94% in PBS, 120h
GI-1, MCF-7 In vitro Aravind A, et al. 2012
DNA (28) PEG-PLGA NPs Ptx EE 44.7%,
LP 1.02%
Hydrolytic release: 78.4% in PBS, 84.1% in plasma, 12d Nude mice bearing xenograft (C6 glima cell) In vitro &
In vivo
Guo JW, et al. 2011
DNA (26) Silica-coated gold nanorods Dox LP 3.8% photothermo-responsive release MCF-7 In vitro Yang XJ, et al. 2012
RNA (57) Unimolecular micelles NPs Dox LP 10.4% pH-responsive:
91% in PBS, 45h
Nude mice bearing xenograft (CWR22Rv1 cells) In vitro &
In vivo
Xu WJ, et al. 2013
RNA (57) PLA-PLGA NPs Platinum Docetaxel Pt: EE95%, LP 5%;
Dtx: EE80%, LP 1%.
Hydrolytic release: 98% Dxtl and 80%, Pt in PBS, 72h LNCaP In vitro Kolishetti N, et al. 2010
RNA (57) PLGA NPs Platinum LP 5% DNS Nude mice bearing xenograft (LNCaP) In vivo Dhar S, et al. 2010
RNA (91) Golden-NPs Dox Apt-Dox ratio: 2:15 (molar) Hydrolytic release:
52% in PBS, 24h
LNCaP In vitro Kim, D, et al. 2010
RNA (57) QD-Apt-drug conjugate Dox QD-Apt/Dox ratio: 1/7 (molar) DNS LNCaP In vitro Bagalkot V et al. 2009
DNA (48) Dimeric apt- drug complex Dox Apt-Dox ratio: 1:4 (molar) Hydrolytic release:
40% in PBS, 6h
C4-2 cells In vitro Boyacioglu O, et al. 2013
DNA (25) Apt-SPION complex Epirubicin LP 2.27% DNS BALB/c mice bearing xenograft (C26 cells) In vitro &
in vivo
Jalalian SH, et al. 2013
DNA (86) Apt-drug conjugate Dox Apt-dox ratio: 1/10 (molar) DNS A549 lung cancer, MCF-7 In vitro Hu Y, et al. 2012
Apt /MUC1 DNA (25) DNA Icosahedral Dox LP 40% DNS CHO-K1, MCF-7 In vitro Chang M, et al. 2011
DNA (19) PLGA NPs Ptx EE 83.6%, LP 4.2% Hydrolytic release:
65% in PBS, 48h
MCF-7,HepG2 In vitro Yu CC , et al. 2011
Apt /MUC1 DNA (25) QD-Apt-Dox conjugate Dox QD-dox ratio: 1/46 (molar) pH-responsive:
35%, 5h
athymic nu/nu mice bearing xenograft (A2780/AD cells) In vitro &
in vivo
Savla R, et al. 2011
Sgc8c /PTK7 DNA (41) PLGA hybrid NPs Ptx,
LP 3.5%, EE35%. DNS CEM cells and Ramos cells In vitro Huang FJ, et al. 2014
DNA (41) Apt-drug conjugate Fluorouracil Apt/drug ratio: 1/5 (molar) Photo-controllable release HCT116 cells In vitro Wang RW, et al. 2014
DNA (41) Apt -drug Nanotrain Dox Apt-NTr/drug ratio: 1/50 (molar) DNS NOD. Cg-Prkdc mice bear- ing xenograft (CCRF-CEM) In vitro &
in vivo
Zhu GZ, et al. 2013
DNA (41) AuNR-based Nanogel Dox DNS Photothermo-responsive: 74%, 50min CCRF-CEM cells, Ramos cells In vitro Kang HZ, et al. 2011
DNA (41) Lipid-coated droplet Dox EE 50.6%, LP 30.4% Ultrasound-responsive:
12% in PBS, 24h
CCRF-CEM cell lines In vitro Wang CH, et al. 2012
DNA (41) Carbon nanotube Daunorubicin LP 157% pH-responsive:
60%, 72h
Molt-4, U266 In vitro Taghdisi SM, et al. 2011
DNA (41) Apt-drug conjugate Dox Dox/sgc8c ratio: 1/1 (molar) DNS CCRF-CEM cell lines In vitro Huang YF, et al. 2009
Ploy-Apt /PTK7 DNA(41)n Apt-drug conjugate Dox Apt/drug ratio: 1/10 (molar) Nuclease-responsive CCRF-CEM cells, Ramos cells In vitro Zhang ZQ, et al. 2013
Apt /EpCAM RNA (14) PLGA NPs Curcumin EE: 89.98% Hydrolytic release:
81% in PBS, 100h
HT 29, HEK293T In vitro Li L, et al. 2014
RNA (19) Apt-drug conjugate Dox Apt-Dox ratio: 1:2 (molar) Hydrolytic release:
37% in PBS, 6h
Y79 and WERI-Rb1 In vitro Subramanian N, et al. 2012
/Cyt c
DNA (48) Silica-shelled gold nanorods Rotenone LP 7.3% Photothermo-responsive: 25%, 12h Hela cells In vitro Ju EG, et al. 2014
Apt /CD30 RNA (39) HAuNS Dox EE 90%, LP 30% pH-responsive:
80% in PBS, 2h
Karpas 299, SUDHL-1 In vitro Zhao NX, et al. 2013
TLS11a /LH86 DNA (63) Apt-drug conjugate Dox Apt/Dox ratio: 1/25 (molar) DNS NOD. Cg-Prkdc mice bearing xenograft (LH86 cells) In vitro &
in vivo
Meng L, et al. 2012
DNA (86) Apt-drug conjugate Dox Apt-Dox ratio: 1/10 (molar) DNS SK-BR-3,MDA-MB-231,
In vitro Liu Z, et al. 2012

*triblock copolymer: [pPEGMA-PCL-pPEGMA= poly(polyethylene glycol methacrylate)-poly(caprolactone)-poly(polyethylene glycol methacrylate.

Abbreviation: SPIO, superparamagnetic iron oxide; Ptx, paclitaxel; HAuNS, hollow gold nanosphere; Dox, doxorubicin; Apt, aptamer; QD, Quantum dot; AuNR, gold nanorods; EE, encapsulation efficiency; LP, loading percentage; DNS, data not shown.