(A–E) Morphology of intracellularly injected cPAG-projecting RGCs located at different parts of the retina. Arrowheads point to axons. The distances from these cells to the optic disk are: 0.33 mm in (A), 0.62 mm in (B), 1.87 mm in (C), 3.01 mm in (D) and 4.35 mm in (E). (F) Schematic representation of the distribution pattern of Cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) retrogradely labeled cPAG-projecting RGCs from 5 animals. Coordinates of needle tips in 5 animals: •: Lambda: −3.2 mm, midline: left 1.05 mm, depth: 2.73 mm; ☆: Lambda: −3.208 mm, midline: left 0.92 mm, depth: 2.69 mm; ▴: Lambda: −3.204 mm, midline: left 1.08 mm, depth: 2.72 mm; ◊: Lambda: −3.212 mm, midline: left 1.08 mm, depth: 2.64 mm; ○: Lambda: −3.192 mm, midline: left 1.05 mm, depth: 2.82 mm; Green circled cells of A–E are correspondent to the Figure 5A–5E, respectively. One peripheral area (magenta arrow) and two central areas (blue arrow and cell D) have similar local densities. S: superior; I: inferior; N: nasal; T: temporal. Scale bars: 20 µm in A (applies to B–E); 1 mm in F.