β-galactosidase activity was measured in wild-type (PK6364) or mutant (PK8120, PK8122, PK7783, PK6828, PK7759, PK6564, PK6826, PK6848, PK7540, PK7751) strains containing PiscR fused to lacZ integrated at the λatt site. Cultures were grown under A) aerobic or B) anaerobic conditions in MOPS minimal media supplemented with glucose (0.2%); for the wild-type, ΔiscSUA, ΔiscSUA-hscBA-fdx, ΔiscS, ΔiscU, ΔiscA strains, media were also supplemented with nicotinic acid (12.5 µg ml−1), and thiamine (2 µg ml−1). Fold repression was determined by dividing the β-galactosidase activity present in the strain lacking IscR (PK6512), grown in the presence or absence of nicotinic acid and thiamine, by the β-galactosidase activity measured for each strain and error bars represent the propagation of standard errors for three biological replicates. ND, not determined.