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. 2014 May 12;14(Suppl 1):S7. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-S1-S7

Table 2.

Largest estimated services gaps in Chibombo

Service Estimated number of times service is required/week Estimated number of times service can be provided/week Estimated gap
Interpret the results of history, physical exam, chest x-ray, and lab tests, leading to a diagnosis 4 732 81 -4 651

Screen for eligibility for antiretroviral treatment/prophylaxis 4 732 111 -4 621

Perform a physical examination 4 732 132 -4 600

Obtain consent for antiretroviral treatment/prophylaxis 4 732 132 -4 600

Take a screening history of the chief complaint and relevant aspects of past medical history, current medications, etc. 4 732 152 -4 580