(A–D) Representative section of the pancreas of 22-week-old high-fat diet–fed Atg7fl/fl (A), hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl (B), Atg7fl/fl:Cre (C), and hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl:Cre (D) mice, immunohistochemically stained for p62. The p62-positive signal accumulated as inclusions (arrows) within islet cells of Atg7fl/fl:Cre mice, but were dispersed throughout the cytoplasm in hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl:Cre mice. Scale bar: 200 μm. (E–H) Confocal images of pancreas sections from 22-week-old high-fat diet–fed Atg7fl/fl (E), hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl (F), Atg7fl/fl:Cre (G), and hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl:Cre (H) mice stained for p62, A11, and cell nuclei (blue). Staining of toxic oligomer was intense in Atg7fl/fl:Cre and hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl:Cre islets, but faint in Atg7fl/fl and hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl islets. p62 was largely colocalized with A11-positive staining in Atg7fl/fl:Cre and hIAPP:Atg7fl/fl:Cre islets. Scale bar: 50 μm.