Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H, RIP-Sec61 mice display increased uptake of free fatty acid. A: qPCR analysis on RNA isolated from hepatocytes from Sec61a1+/Y344H, RIP-Sec61 or Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H, RIP-Sec61 mice (n = 4 per genotype). Error bars represent SEM, and * indicates P ≤ 0.05. B: Primary hepatocytes were isolated from age- and sex-matched, fasted mice. Rates of sterol and triglyceride synthesis were determined by labeling with 14C-acetate for 16 h. Triplicate assays were performed from each of four (Sec61a1+/Y344H, RIP-Sec61) or three (Sec61a1Y344H/Y344H, RIP-Sec61) mice. C: Primary hepatocytes were isolated as in B. Rate of fatty acid uptake was determined in triplicate after cells were incubated with 14C-labeled oleate for 5 min, washed, and lysed. Cell-associated radioactivity was read by a scintillation counter (n = 2 per genotype).