Figure 1. Hazard Ratios for Death from Cancer and from Noncancer, Nonvascular Causes among Participants with Diabetes as Compared with Those without Diabetes at Baseline.
Panel A shows hazard ratios for deaths from cancer, and Panel B shows hazard ratios for deaths from noncancer, nonvascular causes. With the exception of the classifications “site unspecified or other” in Panel A and “other noncancer, nonvascular deaths” in Panel B, causes of death are presented in descending order according to their estimated hazard ratios. All analyses were stratified on the basis of study, sex, and trial group (where applicable) and adjusted for baseline age, smoking status (current smoker vs. any other status), and body-mass index. There was evidence of heterogeneity in hazard ratios among cancer sites and among the noncancer, nonvascular causes of death (P<0.001 for both comparisons). Participants with known preexisting cardiovascular disease at baseline were excluded from all analy ses. The sizes of the data markers are proportional to the inverse of the variance of the loge hazard ratios. In Panel A, risk estimates for cancer of the colorectum were broadly similar to those for cancer at subsites (i.e., colon cancer vs. cancer of the rectosigmoid and anus). In Panel B, death from endocrine disorders does not include death coded as being due to diabetes. Other noncancer, nonvascular deaths are those that could not be attributed to a major organ or system. COPD denotes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.