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. 2014 Mar 11;12(4):373–389. doi: 10.1007/s40258-014-0094-9

Table 3.

Characteristics of economic studies based on clinical trials

Reference (Country) Year of valuation Intervention Study design (sample size)a Wound type Mean initial ulcer area (cm2) Mean patient age (years) Wound healing Horizon time ICER/ INHB Limitations needed improvements
Simon et al. (UK) [25] 1993–1994 Community leg ulcer clinics vs. traditional care (Stockport district) with Trafford district as contemporary control

Prospective 3-month longitudinal

1993: 252

1994: 233




Ulcers healed:

1993: 26 %

1994: 42 %

3 months extrapolated to 1 year −£1,186/additional ulcer healed

No pt/ wound demographics;

Sensitivity analysis needed;

Subtypes of VLUs/DFUs need to be included

Morrell et al. (UK) [26] 1995 Leg ulcer clinic (I) vs. home care (C) (district nursing) RCT (233) VLU

I: 16.2

C: 16.9

I: 73.8

C: 73.2

MHT (weeks):

I: 20

C: 43

Proportion of wounds healed at 12 weeks:

I: 34 %

C: 24 %

1 year £2.46/ulcer-free week

Details on resource utilization and some costs categories missing;

Sensitivity analysis should include changes in healing rates

Thomson and Brooks (Scotland) [27] 1995 Current care vs. addition of PU prevention program (geriatric unit setting) Prospective cross-sectional/ longitudinal (252 beds) PUs NR NR

41 % pts have PUs;

42 PUs preventable

1 year −£7,717/PU averted

No pt/wound demographics;

study is only a projection of expected cost benefit;

Sensitivity analysis needed

Ohura et al. (Japan) [28, 29] 2001–2002 Modern vs. traditional dressings with and without SWMA Prospective cohort (83) PUs (Stage II/III) NR NR Modern dressings + SWMA: PSST reduction: 11.1; traditional dressings, no SWMA: 9.0 12 weeks −$448/ PSST point reduction

Uncertainty arising from small sample size, summary benefits (units used), and lack of perspective;

Sensitivity analysis needed

Gordon et al. (Australia) [30] 2005 ‘Leg Club Model’ (community nursing care) vs. traditional home community nursing care RCT (56) VLU NR 68 % ≥71 NR 6 months

At 6 months:

$A−693/healed ulcer (provider perspective)

$A515/healed ulcer (collective perspective)

$A322/pain reduction score (collective perspective)

Lacks healing rate and pain reduction data;

Small sample size, so uncertainty over results;

Sensitivity analysis needs to incorporate different healing rates

Vu et al. (Australia) [31] 2000 Multi-disciplinary wound care vs. usual care Pseudo-randomized pragmatic cluster (176 residents, 44 high-care nursing homes) VLUs and PUs NR

83.0 (intervention)

83.7 (control)

MHT: 92.9 days (intervention)

129.4 days (control)

20 weeks $A−53.3/ulcer-free week

Cost reporting/ transparency could be improved;

Sensitivity analysis used WTP methodology, but additional results from other methodologies would be useful

Harris and Shannon (Canada) [32] 2005 Two nursing models: specialty agency (I), and hybrid (specialty + RN/RPN; C) Retrospective chart audit (361) DFU, VLU, PU, and other diabetic

I: 74.2 % <4 cm2

C: 69.8 % <4 cm2

I: 68.6

C: 69.8

MHT (days):

I: 99

C: 143

1 year? $Can−922/ulcer-free week Unclear time horizon and perspective; missing model structure; other costs besides nursing need to be considered
Sanada et al. (Japan) [33] 2007 Training for WOCNs/ hospital reimbursement incentive (I) vs. none (C) Prospective cohort (105; 59 centers) High-risk PU

NR Braden score:

I: 11.8

C: 12.4


DESIGN score 3 weeks):

I: 9.0

C: 13.1

1 year ¥−14,272/unit DESIGN score Detailed cost considerations missing; no Sensitivity analysis undertaken; benefit unit obscure—addition of other units could improve results
Makai et al. (Netherlands) [34] 2006 Quality improvement initiative evidence-based prevention Prospective cohort, pre–post design (88; 25 organizations) PU NR 82

Incidence (stage I/II, 1 month):

Pre: 15 %

Post: 4.5 %

Prevalence (all, 12 months)

Pre: 38.6 %

Post: 22.7 %

2 years

Intervention sustained:



Intervention partially sustained:



Intervention not sustained: €131,253/


PSA missing much detail; Markov model lacking pathways (graphic), transition probabilities, and costs for each cycle; some uncertainty over outcomes due to relatively small sample size
Shannon et al. (USA) [35] 2010 Advanced vs. standard PU prevention protocol Randomized controlled cohort study (133) PUs NR

I: 75.8

C: 73.2

PU incidence:

I: 12 %

C: 36 %

1 year −$3,715/averted PU Study only applicable to residents at a moderate-to-high risk of developing PU; some outcome uncertainty due to small control sample size

C control group, DFU diabetic foot ulcer, I intervention group, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, INHB incremental health benefit, MHT mean time to heal, NR not reported, PSA probability sensitivity analysis, PSST pressure sore status tool, pt(s) patient(s), PU pressure ulcer, QALY quality-adjusted life-year, RCT randomized controlled trial, RN registered nurse, RPN registered practical nurse, SWMA standard wound management algorithm, VLU venous leg ulcer, WOCN wound ostomy continence nurse, WTP willingness to pay, $A Australian dollars

aSample size based on number of pts unless otherwise stated