Figure 4.
Survival of Normal H7.s14 and Adapted H7.s6 Daughter Cells Postdivision Characterized through Time-Lapse Imaging
(A) Possible scenarios of daughter cells’ fate following division: (1) both daughter cells divide (SS), (2) only one daughter cell divides (SD), and (3) both daughter cells die without dividing (DD). Still images from time-lapse movies exemplify the three scenarios. Red crosses indicate cell death. Time after plating is indicated in each of the still images.
(B) Percentage of SS, SD, and DD types of division occurring in normal, adapted, and Y-27632-treated normal and adapted cells that divided for the first time after plating. Results are the mean of triplicate independent experiments ± SD (a–f represent Student’s t tests, a–c left tail, d–f right tail; p values: a, 0.0001; b, <0.001; c, <10−5; d, <10−5; e, <0.01; f, <0.0001). Data consist of 60–110 cell divisions per culture.
(C) Percentage of SS, SD, and DD types of division occurring in normal, adapted, and Y-27632-treated normal and adapted cells that divided for the second time after plating. Results are the mean of triplicate independent experiments ± SD (a–d represent Student’s t tests, a–c left tail, d–e right tail; p values: a, <0.05; b, <0.01; c, <0.05; d, <0.05; e, <0.05). Data consist of 35–65 cell divisions per culture.
(D) Percentage of surviving normal and adapted cells over a 12 hr time period following the first (a) and the second division postplating (b). Results are the mean of triplicate independent experiments ± SD. Data consist of 145–250 cells per culture.
(E) The time from division until the observed cell death in time-lapse movies of normal and adapted cells, corresponding to the first (a) and the second division (b) postplating. Results are box plot representations of distributions from triplicate independent experiments with median line and 95% median confidence intervals (blue); observations (gray dots) are shown stretching horizontal by frequency (a and b represent Kruskal-Wallis tests; p values: a, <0.0001; b, <0.01). Data consist of 40–160 cells per culture.