APs Recorded from CMs Differentiated from Human PBMC-Derived iPSCs
(A) Representative APs recorded from individual myocytes displaying nodal-, atrial-, and ventricular-like phenotypes.
(B) Table displaying AP parameters for the three subtypes of CMs. CL, cycle length (s); MDP, in mV; Pmax, maximum upstroke velocity (mV/ms); APD10, APD50, or APD90, APD at 10%, 50%, or 90% of repolarization (ms). Values are mean ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05 (ANOVA with Bonferroni correction). All three subgroups were different from each other for the measured parameters, except CL, where only atrial- and ventricular-like groups were statistically different. The “n” listed in the table represents independent recordings from CMs differentiated from iPSC line C1.