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. 2014 Jul 1;3:148. [Version 1] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.4521.1

Table 1. Selected BridgeDb app commands.

Arguments with asterisks (*) are required.

Command Arguments Description
bridgedb resource add classPath= IDMapper class path*
connString= BridgeDb connection string*
displayName= display name
appName= name of client Cytoscape app
Add a mapping resource. appName is the
name of the client Cytoscape app that is
using this command.
bridgedb resource remove connString= BridgeDb connection string*
appName= name of Cytoscape app
Remove a mapping resource.
bridgedb resource select connString= BridgeDb connection string*
select= true or false
appName= name of client Cytoscape app
Select or deselect an mapping resource.
bridgedb id mapping network= Cytoscape network name*
sourceColumn= source column in node table*
targetColumn= source ID type*
sourceIdType= target column in node table*
targetIdType= target ID type*
appName= name of client Cytoscape app
Map identifiers from a column in node
table to another in a Cytoscape network.
bridgedb resource config
appName= name of client Cytoscape app Open the resource management/
configuration dialog.
appName= name of client Cytoscape app bridgedb main dialog Open the main BridgeDb app dialog.