Table 1.
Means and Standard Deviations for Study Variables by Child Status
Measure | Group | |
| ||
LA/P | A/R | |
Maternal Emotion Coaching | 122.28 (11.09) | 115.97 (16.04) |
Paternal Emotion Coaching | 114.00 (12.95) | 106.06 (17.02)+ |
Behavior Regulation-Parent & Teacher | 5.39 (.60) | 4.29 (.88)*** |
Emotion Regulation-Parent | 4.30 (.38) | 3.89 (.51)** |
Attention Regulation-Child | 1.37 (.25) | 1.12 (.33)** |
Note. LA/P = Low aggressive/popular, A/R = Aggressive/rejected; Parent = Parent report; Parent & Teacher = composite of parent and teacher report; Child = child performance measure. Maternal (n = 52) and Paternal (n = 44) Emotion Coaching = composite scores of parental coaching of sadness, anger, and fear; Higher emotion coaching scores indicate higher levels of emotion coaching; Higher scores for behavior, emotion, and attention regulation refer to greater ability to regulate behavior, emotion and attention.
n = 54 for self-regulation measures.
p < .10.
p < .05.
p <.01.
p <.001.