Figure 8.ZDS1 is essential for Cdc55 localization to the sites of cell polarity and can induce Cdc55-dependent toxicity. (A) Localization of Cdc55-GFP in igo1Δ igo2Δ and in zds1Δ zds2Δ. Note that cortical localization of Cdc55 was unaffected in igo1Δ igo2Δ but was completely lost in zds1Δ zds2Δ. (B) Top: Domain structure of the Zds1: HR, homology region; CBD, Cdc55-binding domain. Truncated constructs are as follows: full-length Zds1 (1–915 a.a.), Zds1ΔC800 (1–800 a.a.), Zds1ΔN400ΔC800 (401–800 a.a.), Zds1ΔN400 (401–915 a.a.). All the constructs were expressed under the control of the strong GAL1 promoter. Bottom: Each saturated culture were serially (5×) diluted and spotted on glucose (ZDS1 off) or galactose (ZDS1 on).