Mitochondrial dysfunction |
β-Subunit of the ATP synthase catalytic core (F1); ATP synthesis66
Modulates respiration via complex I and II69,70
HSP1A1 (HSP70) |
Component of the TOM complex; import of matrix mitochondrial proteins74
Component of the TOM complex; import of matrix mitochondrial proteins74
TOMM34 |
Component of the TOM complex; import of matrix mitochondrial proteins74
Proteotoxic stress |
HSPA1A (HSP70) |
Protein refolding under stress conditions; supports oncogenesis82,83,89
HSPA5,7,8 and 9 |
Protein refolding under stress conditions; supports oncogenesis82,83,89
HSPB1 (HSP27) |
Protein refolding under stress conditions; suppresses cellular senescence82,83,89,95
HSPD1 (HSP60) |
Protein refolding under stress conditions82,83,89
HSP90AB1 |
Protein refolding under stress conditions; supports oncogenesis82,83,89
DNA damage response |
DNA damage checkpoints and DNA repair109,110,116
SOD1 |
Superoxide detoxification113,114,120
TOP2 |
Relaxes topological constraints during DNA replication; chromosomes segregation117
Component of the telosome; tethering telomeres to the nuclear envelope; protect telomere ends from NHEJ and HDR124-126,128,267,268
Nucleolar and ribosome biogenesis dysfunction |
Polymerase I coactivator; scaffold protein for nucleolar assembly137,138
NOP56 and 58 |
Components of the box C/D snoRNPs139
DDX51 |
RNA helicase; processing of the 3′ end of the 28S rRNA140
NOL6 |
Processing of the 18S rRNA141
Processing of the 18S, 28S and 5.8S rRNAs142
Polymerase I transcription; rRNA processing; ribosome assembly and transport143
Translational elongation; overexpression bypasses replicative senescence144
RSL1D1 |
Regulates the nucleolar localization of nucleostemin; rRNA processing146,149
NPM1 |
Processing of the 32S pre-rRNA to the mature 28S rRNA153,154
Cell cycle arrest |
YAP1 |
Regulates apoptosis; regulates organ size; liver oncogene167,269
MCM2 |
Initiation and progression of DNA replication172
stabilizes the origin recognition complex (ORC) to chromatin173
Promotes DNA replication177
Promotes G1-to-S-phase progression189
KAP1 (TRIM28) |
Destabilized the tumor suppressor p53192-194
TBX2 |
Repression of P19ARF; repression of the CDK inhibitors p21 and p27199-201
Impaired mRNA metabolism and translation |
YB-1 (YBX1) |
mRNA stability, mRNA packaging, splicing and translational initiation; oncogene204,207
SRm160 (SRRM1) |
Coactivator for exonic splicing enhancers and for 3′-end processing of specific pre-mRNAs210-213
SRm300 (SRRM2) |
Coactivator for exonic splicing enhancers and for 3′-end processing of specific pre-mRNAs210,211,213