Fig. 4.
Relationship between Cdx2 and aPKC expression and localization of nuclei in 8-cell embryos and cell division plane. (A) Percentage of apical and baso-central nuclei in control embryos, embryos injected with exogenous Cdx2 or dn aPKC mRNAs (Cdx2 OE or dn aPKC OE, respectively) or Cdx2KO embryos at the 8-cell stage. Localization of the nuclei was assessed 30 min before NEBD. Numbers in the graph reflect numbers of analysed nuclei. (B) and (C) Frequency of symmetric and asymmetric divisions in cells with apical (B) or baso-central (C) nuclei from control, injected with exogenous Cdx2 or dn aPKC mRNAs (Cdx2 OE or dn aPKC OE, respectively) or from Cdx2KO embryos. Numbers in the graph reflect numbers of analysed divisions. (D) Working model of the interactions between Cdx2, aPKC, microtubules, dynein and kinesins and localization of nuclei and cell division orientation. Increase in Cdx2 expression leads to accumulation of aPKC in the apical site and in consequence reinforces dynein-mediated pulling force that facilitates apical localization of the nucleus. Cells with apical nuclei tend to divide symmetrically. Decrease in Cdx2 expression lowers accumulation of aPKC in the apical region and therefore tips the balance in favour of kinesin-mediated pulling force and baso-central localization of the nucleus. Cells with baso-central nuclei divide either symmetrically or asymmetrically.