Figure 3.
We exposed the indirect and direct components of SLF during a dissection of a left hemisphere. The respective cortical termination territories have been coloured. Dissection pictures were also correlated with DTI reconstruction of the SLF. (A) Geschwind's territory corresponds to the IPL (blue-coloured cortex). It constitutes the ‘kissing’ point (yellow circle) between the posterior indirect SLF fibres, connecting Wernicke's territory (posterior part of the STG and MTG – green-coloured cortex), and the anterior indirect SLF component, running to Broca's territories (IFG – red-coloured cortex and red tag). (B) Fibre tracking of the SLF. The three components were distinguished by different colours: posterior indirect fibres (yellow); anterior indirect part (green); and direct component, that is, the AF (red). (C) The AF directly connects the temporal Wernicke's region (pink circle) to the frontal Broca's area (yellow circle), passing below Geschwind's territory (blue-coloured cortex). (D) The DTI reconstruction of the SLF was oriented to evaluate the relationships among the three components. The indirect fibres (SLF II and SLF III) are more superficial than the AF. AF, arcuate fasciculus; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; STG, superior temporal gyrus.