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. 2014 Jun 30;225(2):132–151. doi: 10.1111/joa.12204

Figure 7.

Figure 7

In this series the OR of a right hemisphere has been exposed. (A) The whole cortex of the lateral frontal, the insular, the TPO and the temporal areas has been removed, and the LN and the IC are shown along with the CR fibres. The IFOF stem (green area) has been preserved and cut at the level of the OR underneath. These fibres originate from the temporo-mesial area (the lateral geniculate body, not observed in this picture), have an antero-posterior course along the lateral ventricle surface, and terminate within the calcarine cortex on the medial occipital lobe (blue arrow). (B) We opened the temporal horn of the ventricle, exposing the CP. The OR runs along the ventricle roof (blue arrows). (C) After removal of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle, we exposed the more ventral and basal OR fibres. In the posterior region, these fibres cover both the lateral part of the temporal horn and the inferior portions of the trigone, and are medially directed to the inferior calcarine cortex (blue arrow, blue circle). CP, choroidal plexus; IC: internal capsule; IFOF, inferior fronto-occipital fascicle; LN, lenticular/lentiform nucleus; OR, optic radiation.