The subcutaneous adipose tissue (A) at the proximal level of the cubital tunnel with poor representation of the volume of adipose lobules; (B) at the middle level of the cubital tunnel, with the adipose component more represented and thin retinacula cutis. Haematoxylin-eosin stain, Magnification, 1.25×. (C) The ulnar nerve was a multifascicular bundle (nine fascicles). The ulnar nerve was surrounded by oval-shaped epineurium (E), whereas the perineurium (P) was compact and thick. Azan–Mallory stain, magnification 1.25×. (B) Trilaminar retinacular structure above the nerve constituted by a fascial (DF), tendon (T) and muscle (M) layers. Weigert-Van-Gieson stain, magnification 25×. S, skin; SAT, superficial adipose layer; SF, superficial fascia; DAT, deep adipose layer, DF, deep fascia.