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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neuroimage. 2014 Jun 16;0:559–570. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.06.007

Table 4.

Meta-Analytic Connectivity Modelling (MACM) Results for the Subgenual Cingulum Cluster Using Standard or Modified Algorithm

Standard MACM
Modified MACM
Cluster (Number of Voxels) /
Brain Region (Histological Assignmenta)
x y z z-score x y z z-score
Cluster 1 (kS = 2632 / kM = 2531)
L/R subgenual cingulate cortex (Area s32) −4 36 −10 8.57 −4 36 −10 8.35
L/R perigenual cingulate cortex (Area p24) 2 38 0 8.33 2 38 0 8.23
L perigenual cingulate cortex / frontal pole
(Area p32, Fp2) b
−4 56 −10 5.06 −4 56 −10 8.16
R subgenual cingulate cortex (Area s24) 8 16 −12 4.67 8 16 −12 8.16
L Ncl. Accumbens / Ventral Pallidum −8 4 −8 4.61 −8 4 −10 8.16
R Ncl. Accumbens 10 10 −10 3.96 - -
L subgenual cingulate cortex (Area 25, 33) −2 10 −6 3.90 −2 10 −6 8.15
Cluster 2 (kS = 535 / kM = 484)
L dorsal posterior cingulate cortex −6 −52 24 7.04 −6 −52 24 8.18
L ventral posterior cingulate cortex −4 −50 14 4.04 −6 52 14 8.15
R dorsal posterior cingulate cortex 8 −52 30 3.70 8 −54 30 8.15
Cluster 3 (kS = 272 / kM = 108)
L hippocampus (CA2, CA3) −22 −14 −20 5.71 −22 −14 −20 8.17
L amygdala (LB, SF) −20 −8 −22 4.97 −20 −8 −22 8.16
Cluster 4 (kS = 119 / kM = 72)
L inferior parietal lobule (PGp, PGa) −48 −66 32 4.30 −48 −66 32 8.16
Cluster 5 (kM = 250)
R anterior ITG - - 50 −2 −34 8.14
Cluster 6 (kM = 70)
L anterior ITG - - −54 −12 −26 8.15
Cluster 7 (kM = 69)
R medial temporal pole - - 30 14 −34 8.15
Cluster 8 (kM = 69)
R medial cerebellum - - 10 −62 −40 8.15
Cluster 9 (kM = 66)
L medial cerebellum - - −8 −52 −44 8.14
Cluster 10 (kM = 51)
R superior frontal gyrus - - 20 32 48 8.15

Notes. x, y, z = peak voxel coordinates in MNI space; kS/kM = number of voxels in cluster obtained with standard/modified MACM algorithm.


References for cytoarchitectonically defined areas: Amunts et al. 2005; Bludau et al. 2013; Caspers et al. 2006; Palomero-Gallagher et al. 2009.


Forming a separate cluster with modified MACM: kM = 221.

L = left; R = right; Ncl. = nucleus; ITG = inferior temporal gyrus.