The effect of Blue-IRIS on cylinder expressed as change from baseline. The difference from pre-IRIS cylinder induced by Blue-IRIS in diopters is shown as a function of days post-IRIS. In all cases, the data were collected over a 3-mm-diameter region centered on the approximately 2.5 × 2.5 mm2 Blue-IRIS–inscribed pattern, and the gray, dashed line indicates the target cylinder induced by Blue-IRIS. (A) IRIS-induced cylinder for Cat 1 OS, which had been tracked for 12 months at the time of this report. (B) IRIS-induced cylinder for Cat 1 OD. This eye had been tracked for 3 months at the time of this report. (C) IRIS-induced cylinder for Cat 2 OS, also tracked for 3 months at the time of this report. (D) IRIS-induced cylinder for Cat 2 OD, tracked for 3 months at the time of this report. In spite of some point-to-point variability, the average induction achieved the intended magnitude and sign of cylinder change. Error bars represent SDs.