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. 2014 Jul 21;20(27):8898–8909. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i27.8898

Table 4.

Chemical and clinical characteristics of prosecretory agents

Drug Lubiprostone Linaclotide Plecanatide
Chemical structure A prostone, bicyclic fatty acid (metabolite of prostaglandin E1) 14-amino acid peptide, analogue of guanylin Analogue of uroguanylin
Target receptor/mechanism of action Activation of ClC-2 by direct action on epithelial cells provoking intestinal fluid secretion, also mediated by CFTR Binding to GC-C with stimulation of cGMP and CFTR-mediated secretion; desensitization of afferent pain fibers mediated by production of extracellular cGMP GC-C receptor activation with CFTR-mediated secretion
Pharmacodynamic effects Accelerated small bowel and colonic transit Dose-related acceleration of colonic transit Probable acceleration of colonic transit
Most common adverse events Nausea Dose-dependent diarrhea Dose-independent diarrhea
Diarrhea Nausea
Abdominal pain
Potential other beneficial effects Mucosal protection Antineoplastic -
Cost AWP is $296 for one month supply AWP is $255 for 30 capsules -
Approval status/stage of development United States FDA-approved for women with IBS-C and men and women with CC United States FDA-approved for both IBS-C and CC EMA-approved for IBS-C only Phase 2b RCT in CC completed; Phase 3 RCT in CC recruiting patients; Phase 2 RCT in IBS-C recruiting patients

AWP: Average wholesale price; CC: Chronic constipation; CFTR: Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conduction regulator; cGMP: Cyclic guanosine monophosphate; ClC-2: Chloride channel-2; EMA: European Medicines Agency; FDA: Food and Drug Administration; GC-C: Guanylate cyclase-C; IBS-C: Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome; RCT: Randomized controlled trial.