Extended Data Figure 8. Higher energy expenditure of Irx3KO mice.
a, Energy expenditure, corrected for lean mass (kcal/kg/hr), over 24 hour period of 18 week old WT and Irx3KO mice fed with ND and HFD. (ND WT/KO: n = 7/5; HFD WT/KO: n = 8/4). b, Locomotor activity of WT and Irx3KO mice. c, Average amount of food intake over 24 hour period with or without normalization to lean mass. d, Average locomotor activity measured over 24 hours. e–f, Elevated Ucp1 gene and protein expression in BAT. (WT/KO: n = 7/6). Data are mean ± s.e.m. *, P < 0.05 vs. the corresponding with WT value.