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Table 1.

Targeting mTOR to delay cellular senescence

Model Description Senescence inducing methods Effect of rapamycin Ref.
HT1080-p21 Human fibrasarcoma IPTG-induced p21 expression Reduce SA-β-gal activity [30]
HT1080-p21 Human fibrasarcoma IPTG-induced p21 expression Re-enter cell cycle when inducing agents are removed. Remain large size [50]
HT1080-p16 Human fibrasarcoma IPTG-induced p16 expression Preserve the proliferative capacity [50]
ERas Rodent fibroblast Sodium butyrate-induced p21 Marginal decrease in SA-β-gal, no change in morphology, yet prevent the loss of proliferative potential [50]
WI-38 Human primary lung fibroblast DNA damage by Doxorubicin Partially prevented senescent phenotype [30]
ARPE-19 human retinal pigment epithelial cell H2O2 Reduce SA-β-gal activity, did not change flat morphology, prevent the permanent loss of proliferation [50]
BJ Human skin fibroblasts Continuous passage Suppress IL-8 and p21 but not SA-β-gal activity and flattened morphology in senescent cells [52]
BJ Human skin fibroblasts Continuous passage Treatment of pre-senescent cells delay SA-β-gal, no change in cell morphology [52]
BJ Human skin fibroblasts RAS overexpression Higher proliferation rate and less SA-β-gal [52]
MEFs Mouse embryonic cells Continuous passage Partially suppress senescent marker. Cells adapt to rapmycin, not useful for long term treatment. [53]
REFs Rat embryonic cells Continuous passage Reverse SA-β-gal and DNA damage marker H2AX and 53BP1 [53]
Wnt1 transgenic mice Doxycycline-inducible K5rtTA/tet-Wnt1 mice Persistent activation of Wnt1 Partially suppressed disappearance of the epidermal stem cell compartment and subsequent hair loss [54]