(A-C) Saggital sections of an E19 CD1 wild-type head, double-immunolabeled
for v-H+-ATPase and Carbonic anhydrase II (A) or pendrin and Foxi1
(B,C). (B) corresponds to the box in (C). (D-F) Saggital sections of an E19
CD1 Efnb2c-del/+ head, double immunolabeled for
pendrin and Foxi1 (D,F) or v-H+-ATPase and Carbonic anhydrase II (E).
(F) corresponds to the box in (D). Ductal epithelia (A,B,E,F) are outlined in white.
(G) Sums of all positive pixels (means and standard deviations; n =
4 per genotype) for epitopes of interest from the proximal half of the ED in heterozygote
fetuses at E19. Asterisks show significant differences (P < 0.05) by
Tukey's post-hoc multiple comparison tests.