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. 2014 Jul 4;11(7):6871–6889. doi: 10.3390/ijerph110706871

Table 4.

Mean effect estimates and 95% Confidence Intervall (CI) for changes (difference) associated with an increase in particulate metrics post 4 h and 24 h post exposure and for different exposure scenarios for PMC, PSC and PNC. Changes refer to an increase of 10 µg/m3 (PMC), 100 µm2/cm3 (PSC) and 10,000 number/cm3 (PNC).

Lung Function Measure Exposure Scenario PMC PSC PNC
PM10 PM2.5 PM1 <100 nm
Mean (95%-CI) Mean (95%-CI) Mean (95%-CI) Mean (95%-CI) Mean (95%-CI)
Post 4 h Post 24 h Post 4 h Post 24 h Post 4 h Post 24 h Post 4 h Post 24 h Post 4 h Post 24 h
FEV1 (m L ) Candle burning
crude model 7 (−1; 15) 5 (−3; 13) 8 (0; 16) 5 (−3; 13) 8 (0; 16) 5 (−3; 13) 2 (0; 3) 1 (−1; 2) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0)
full model * −18 (−40; 4) −19 (−41; 3) −19 (−43; 5) −20 (−44; 4) −22 (−47; 3) −23 (−48; 2) −13 (−20; −6) −13 (−20; −6) −1 (−2; 1) −1 (−2; 1)
FVC (m L ) Candle burning
crude model 8 (−2; 18) 7 (−3; 17) 9 (−1; 19) 8 (−2; 18) 9 (−1; 19) 8 (−2; 18) 2 (0; 4) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0)
full model −13 (−38; 12) −12 (−39; 15) −12 (−39; 15) −11 (−38; 16) −13 (−44; 18) −12 (−43; 19) −9 (−18; −1) −10 (−18; −1) −1 (−3; 0) −1 (−3; 0)
Toasting bread
crude model 0 (−2; 2) −1 (−3; 1) 4 (−2; 10) 1 (−5; 7) 14 (4; 24) 14 (4; 24) 3 (1; 5) 2 (0; 5) 1 (0; 1) 0 (0; 1)
full model 0 (−2; 2) −2 (−10; 6) 1 (−7; 9) −2 (−16; 12) 0 (−22; 22) 0 (−21; 19) 1 (−7; 9) 1 (−7; 8) 1 (−2; 4) 1 (−2; 4)
Frying sausages
crude model 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−4; 4) 0 (−4; 4) 1 (−3; 5) 0 (−4; 4) 0 (−2; 3) −1 (−3; 1) 0 (−1; 2) −1 (−2; 1)
full model 2 (−2; 6) 1 (−3; 5) 3 (−3; 9) 2 (−4; 8) 5 (−1; 11) 4 (−4; 12) 3 (−1; 7) 2 (−3; 7) 4 (−1; 8) 3 (−2; 8)
FEV1/FVC (%); Percentage Point * 1000 Candle burning
crude model 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0)
full model −2 (−6; 2) −3 (−7; 1) −3 (−7; 1) −3 (−7; 1) −3 (−7; 1) −4 (−8; 0) −1 (−2; 0) 1 (−2; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0)
Toasting bread
crude model 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (−2; 2) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0)
full model 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (−2; 2) −1 (−3; 1) −1 (−3; 1) −1 (−2; 0) −1 (−2; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0)
Frying sausages
crude model 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 1) 0 (0; 0) 0 (0; 0)
full model −1 (−1; −1) −1 (−1; −1) −2 (−4; 0) −2 (−4; 0) −2 (−4; 0) −2 (−4; 0) −1 (−2; 0) 0 (−1; 0) −1 (−2; 0) −1 (−1; 0)
MEF25 % –75% (m L /s) Candle burning
crude model 9 (−7; 25) −3 (−19; 13) 10 (−6; 26) −2 (−18; 14) 10 (−6; 26) −2 (−20; 16) 2 (−1; 6) 1 (−3; 4) 0 (0; 1) 0 (0; 1)
full model −23 (−70; 24) −37 (−84; 10) −26 (−75; 23) −39 (−88; 10) −31 (−84; 22) −45 (−100; 10) −13 (−28; 2) −14 (−29; 1) 1 (−2; 4) 1 (−2; 4)
Toasting bread
crude model 1 (−3; 5) 0 (−4; 4) 5 (−5; 15) 0 (−10; 10) 11 (−7; 29) 2 (−16; 20) 3 (−1; 7) 1 (−3; 5) 1 (0; 2) 0 (0; 1)
full model 1 (−3; 5) 0 (−14; 14) 1 (−11; 13) −6 (−30; 18) −14 (−49; 21) −22 (−57; 13) −8 (−22; 6) −9 (−23; 5) 1 (−4; 6) 1 (−4; 6)
Frying sausages
crude model 0 (−6; 6) 2 (−4; 8) −1 (−9; 7) 1 (−7; 9) 0 (−8; 8) 2 (−8; 12) 0 (−5; 6) 1 (−4; 7) 1 (−3; 4) 1 (−3; 4)
full model −11 (−21; −1) −8 (−20; 4) −23 (−37; −9) −20 (−36; −4) −22 (−38; −6) −19 (−39; 1) −8 (−18; 3) −5 (−17; 7) −7 (−18; 5) −5 (−17; 6)

Notes: * adjusted for age, height, sex, temperature, humidity, travel time and means of transportation; Abbreviations: FEV1: forced expiratory volume at 1 s, FVC: forced vital capacity, MEF25%–75%: averaged forced expiratory flow between the full expiration of 25% and 75% of the total FVC, CI: confidence interval; marked in bold: effect estimates where CI did not include the null effect. PMC: particle mass concentration; PSC: particle surface concentration; PNC: particle number concentration; LDSA: lung deposited surface area.