Figure 1.
Electron microscopy showing ultrastructure of the colorectal cancer spheroids under investigation. Scanning electron micrograph of spheroids grown from different tumors (A, B) showing variation in surface architecture. Scale bars = 10 μm. The presence of microvilli was revealed on greater magnification (C). Scale bar = 1 μm. (D-F) Transmission electron microscopy. Transmission electron micrograph from a spheroid after 10 days of culture (D). Note the nuclear pleomorphism indicating tumor cell heterogeneity, and the presence of microvilli (small arrow) at the apical surface of peripherally located cells (E). Cells were closely interrelated; tight junctions (large arrow) in (E) and desmosome junctions (arrowhead) were observed between neighboring cells (F). Magnification: D; 2000×, E; 12000× and F; 15000×.