Figure 2.
Nigral neurons in CP KO mice treated chronically with iron chelators. (a-c) WT and CP KO mice were aged to 5 and 14 months. Mice were euthanized and brains were harvested and midbrains sectioned (a) representative WT nigra (b) representative CP KO nigra (c) Nissl stained neurons were counted using stereology. (d) WT and CP KO mice were aged to 14 months. A sub-set of CP KO mice were treated with Cq and DFP daily from 9 months of age. Mice were euthanized and brains were harvested and midbrains sectioned. Data are mean ± std error. ‘n’ is represented in graph columns. ***p < 0.001 as indicated. ^^p < 0.01 relative to 5-month-old of the same genotype.