Figure 10.
Examples of immunohistochemical label against GAD67 in the VNTB of GlyT2-GFP mice. (A–C) show a representative anti-GAD67 labeling pattern in the VNTB of a p14 mouse, with (A) being the overlay of both channels, (B) the antibody labeling in red and (C) the GlyT2-GFP expression in green. Images shown in (D–F) show the same labeling in an adult animal aged p70 (color coding is the same as in (A–C)]. Note that at p14, many glycinergic neurons are co-labeled with GAD67, while almost none of the glycinergic neurons seen at the older age are co-labeled against GAD67. All images are maximum projections of confocal stacks. Scale bar: 20 μm.