Fig 2 Genotype, concentration, and risk model components used to assess association between red blood cell (RBC) folate concentration and risk of neural tube defects among Community Intervention Project participants. Genotype model: MTHFR genotype frequencies have been shown to be different in northern (36% TT in Folic Acid Dosing Trial) and southern Chinese populations (8% TT).20 25 26 Each person was assigned a probability of having a specific genotype. RBC folate concentration model: RBC folate concentration at time of neural tube closure was estimated on basis of region of residence (northern v southern), probable genotype, and folic acid supplementation history. Substantial regional differences in diet have been previously described, with northern regions having less natural folate intake and lower RBC folate concentrations.1 29 30 31 As a result, the concentration model included a term reflecting regional differences in baseline RBC concentration. Neural tube defect risk model: risk of neural tube defects associated with RBC folate concentrations was estimated for Community Intervention Project participants on basis of observed neural tube defect occurrence and estimated RBC folate concentration