Figure 8.
Ectopic overexpression of MIR171h leads to a strong repression of arbuscular mycorrhizal and root nodule symbiosis. Roots were transformed either the MIR171h-GFP (red) or the empty vector (black). After root transformation, chimeric plants were potted into substrate and grown under different nutritional and symbiotic regimes: (A) 20 μM phosphate inoculated with R. irregularis, (B) 0 M nitrate and inoculated with S. meliloti. Left panes show relative expression values (normalized to MtPdf2 and MtEf1) of selected transcripts and mature miR171h and right panes display box-plots of symbiotic parameters, i.e. (A) mycorrhizal root colonization intensity [[42]] and (B) number of root nodules per cm of primary root length. Error bars indicate standard errors. Statistical different values between overexpression and vector control plants are indicated by single asterix (P < 0.05) or double asterix (P < 0.01) calculated by student’s t-test. The number of biological replicates is indicated above box plots.