Table 3.
FA-Only (n=76) M (SD) |
BED/BN-Only (n=68) M (SD) |
BN&FA (n=61) M (SD) |
BED&FA (n=50) M (SD) |
Neither FA or BED/BN (N=388) M (SD) |
Test Statistic (F or χ2) |
P Value c | Pairwise Diff. | Effect Size (η2) |
BMI | 32.96 (11.23) | 27.96 (6.32) | 28.34 (9.31) | 32.73 (SD=10.11) | 27.57 (SD=8.12) | 8.95 | <.001 | 1,4>2; 1>3; 1,4>5 | .05 |
Highest BMI | 35.43 (12.50) | 30.71 (7.12) | 31.69 (9.99) | 34.80 (11.12) | 29.83 (8.99) | 7.37 | <.001 | 1>2; 1,4>5 | .04 |
Age 1st Overweight |
16.88 (16.40) | 17.33 (7.97) | 14.98 (7.33) | 18.49 (11.24) | 18.36 (10.64) | 1.08 | .366 | .01 | |
Age 1st Dieting | 19.72 (6.17) | 21.43 (8.08) | 17.22 (4.70) | 22.05 (7.90) | 22.61 (9.15) | 4.82 | <.001 | 3<5 | .04 |
Time Spent Dieting |
48 (61.8%) | 37 (54.4%) | 47 (78.7%) | 40 (81.6%) | 144 (37.1%) | 70.01 | <.001 | 1,2,3,4>5; 3,4>1,2 | .33d |
Currently Dieting |
432 (55.3%) | 38 (55.9%) | 39 (64.0%) | 29 (58.0%) | 152 (39.4%) | 22.68 | <.001 | 1,2,3,4>5 | .19 |
Weight Cycling |
57 (75.0%) | 49 (72.0%) | 51 (83.6%) | 38 (76.0%) | 192 (49.5%) | 48.25 | <.001 | 1,2,3,4>5 | .27 |
FA= Food Addiction, BED = Binge Eating Disorder, BN= bulimia nervosa
Weight Cycling = 20 pounds lost and regained one or more times, Time Spent Dieting = since the age of 18, been dieting at least half of the time
1=FA-Only, 2= BED/BN-Only, 3=BN&FA, 4= BED&FA, 5=Neither FA or BED/BN, all reported pairwise differences p < .05
Cramer’s Phi used as effect size statistic for chi-square analyses (Time Spent Dieting, Currently Dieting)