Fig. 2.
The M. jannaschii SepRS, SepCysS, and SepCysE form a complex with high affinity for tRNACys. (A) Gel filtration of SepRS (blue) and SepCysS (orange). (B) Gel filtration of a SepRS and SepCysE mixture (green) and a SepCysS and SepsCysE mixture (brown). (C) Gel filtration of a SepRS, SepCysS, and SepCysE mixture (red). Each protein was present at 30 µM. The shoulders of the major SepRS⋅SepCysE and SepRS⋅SepCysE⋅SepCysS peaks were probably due to protein aggregation under the experimental conditions. (D) Affinity of the M. jannaschii proteins for tRNACys. KD of proteins for tRNACys binding were determined by protein titration in a filter-binding assay that quantifies free tRNA and protein⋅tRNA complex. Data are mean ± SDs (n = 3).