RAMP, a novel high-throughput assay, can be used to identify tissue-specific biomaterials for capable of supporting complex cellular processes required for injury repair. This 3D assay utilizes any single cell type embedded within a material; in this case, the model material was collagen embedded with Schwann cells, which is then cultured for several days, at which point the samples are fixed, stained for cytoskeleton structures, and scanned on a flatbed scanner as part of the screening process. Traditional microscopy is used to verify the positive “hits” and negative “hits” for further screening based on cell morphology and number, although work presented here has shown a strong correlation between imaging modalities for the “hits.” These potential biomaterial candidates are then rescreened with enhanced sensitivity via a migration assay. Other cell types can be simultaneously screened in separate, but parallel arrays to discover biomaterials supportive of simple cell processes, such as viability, are then rescreened for higher order processes required for tissue repair (e.g., neurite outgrowth in neurons, differentiation of stem cells, migration, etc.). A composite biomaterial could be developed from the identified “hits” that would be supportive of necessary resident cells as well as potentially inhibitive of the undesired cell types. The overlap of positive biomaterial “hits” across cell types can be employed for the development of a composite tissue-specific biomaterial. Orthogonal biomaterials across different cell types could similarly be used to arrange supportive and inhibitive cues for developing a highly optimized tissue-specific biomaterial. Color images available online at www.liebertpub.com/tec