Figure 6.
hCMV inhibits hypoxia-induced nuclear translocation of HIF2α. HEPCs were treated with hCMV at a MOI of 1 and cultured for 24 hours before exposure to 1% O2, or maintenance at normoxia, for 10 or 20 hours before fixation and staining for HIF1α or HIF2α, and hCMV IE protein expression. Levels of HIF1α or HIF2α, and hCMV IE were observed by confocal microscopy (Ai and Bi). Images were captured using a magnification factor of ×40. Images were analyzed for nuclear fluorescence in the hCMV-negative and -positive populations following exposure to 1% O2 for 10 hours (Aii and Bii) or 20 hours (Aiii and Biii). ***P<0.001.