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. 2014 Jul 30;9(7):e103509. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103509

Table 2. Quality Assessment of included studies based on the Newcastle-Ottawa Scales.

Study Howrepresentativewas the exposedcohort? Selection ofnon-exposedcohort Ascertainmentof exposure Demonstrationthat outcome ofinterest was notpresent at startof study Of cohorts onbasis of designor analysis Assessmentof outcome Follow uplong enoughfor outcomesto occur Adequacy ofcohort follow-up
Appels (11) Somewhatrepresentativeof males aged45–60 Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort From structured interview No Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Benjamins (6) Representativenational sampleof adults Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort From structured interview Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes Over 99% followed
Bosworth (23) Somewhatrepresentativeof CHD patients Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort From structured interview Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Doğanay (24) SomewhatRepresentativeof adults aged65–74 Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Not available Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes Not available
Ernsten (25) Representativeof nationalsample adultsover 70 Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Fang (26) Somewhatrepresentativesample of adultsaged 55 and over Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Fernandez-Ruiz(27) Representativesample of adultsaged 65 and over Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Heidrich (28) Somewhatrepresentativesample of adultsaged 25–64 Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort From structured interview Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes Complete follow-up
Heistaro (29) Representativenational sampleof adults Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Idler (7) Representative ofpersons with self-reported CVD andnewly diagnosedCVD Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort From structured interview Yes Study controls for multiple covariates in different subgroups Independent assessment from secure records Yes 90% follow-up
Kamphuis (30) Somewhatrepresentativesample of middle-aged men Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Kaplan (31) Somewhatrepresentativesample of elderlymen Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Kennedy (32) Representative sample of community elderly Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort From structured interview Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes Small number lost due to missing data
Kuper (33) Representativesample of womenaged 30–50 Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes Complete follow-up
Pijls (9) Somewhatrepresentativesample of elderlymen Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes Complete follow-up
Rutledge (34) Representative of women with cardiac symptoms Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controlled for CAD severity scores Telephone self report and from secure records Yes Complete follow-up
Tsuji (35) Somewhatrepresentative ofadults 65 and over Same community as exposed cohort Written self-report Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment secure records Yes No description
van der Linde (36) Populationrepresentative ofadults 39–74 Drawn from the same community as exposed cohort Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description
Wannamethee (37) Representativenational sampleof men aged40–59 Drawn from the same community as the exposed cohort Structured interview Yes Study controls for multiple covariates Independent assessment from secure records Yes No description