Figure 2.
Pie graph of classified GPCR genes (292) expressed in mouse hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. Thirteen classified groups including 8 known functional groups and 5 orphan groups of GPCR genes are represented by a different color in each group. The known functional GPCR groups contain 183 genes including neurotransmitter receptors (44; 15%), neuropeptide receptors (26; 9%), hormone receptors (31; 11%), receptors having angiogenesis and vasoactivity (10; 3%), receptors with inflammation and immune system regulation (16; 5%), lipid messenger receptors (20; 7%), growth factor receptors (12; 4%), and other known G protein-coupled receptors (24; 8%). The orphan GPCR groups contain 109 genes including class A orphans (66; 23%), class B orphans (23; 8%), class C orphans (4; 1%), nonsignaling 7TM chemokine-binding proteins (2; 1%), and other 7TM protein genes (14; 5%). The number on each slice of pie indicates the number of the genes in each classified group (see the names of the genes in each group in Tables 1–9).