FIGURE 6. ICV-administered non-reducible cl-nanozyme decreases blood pressure in AngII-dependent hypertensive mice.
Mean data showing AngII-induced changes in mean arterial pressure (A), heart rate (B), systolic blood pressure (C) and diastolic blood pressure (D) following subcutaneous infusion of AngII (400ng/kg/min) and changes in these physiological parameters after a single bolus ICV injection of saline, PLL50-PEG shell, reducible cl-nanozyme, or non-reducible cl-nanozyme (130–150 U of CuZnSOD was used for nanozyme treatments). n = 5–7 mice per group. Data represent mean ± SEM. * P < 0.05 vs. ICV-injected saline; # P = 0.085 vs. ICV-injected saline.