Disease vectors such as malarial mosquitoes might be engineered to resist
pathogen acquisition or eliminated with a suppression drive. Wild
populations that serve as reservoirs for human viruses could be immunized
using Cas9, RNAi machinery, or elite controller antibodies carried by a gene
drive. Reversal and immunization drives could help ensure that all
transgenes are safe and controlled. Drives might quickly spread protective
genes through threatened or soon-to-be-threatened species such as amphibians
facing the expansion of chytrid fungus (Rosenblum et al., 2010). Invasive species might be locally
controlled or eradicated without directly affecting others. Sensitizing
drives could improve the sustainability and safety of pesticides and
herbicides. Gene drives could test ecological hypotheses concerning gene
flow, sex ratios, speciation, and evolution. Technical requirements for
these applications vary with the drive type required (Figure 7—figure supplement 1).