Figure 3.
Combination of BEZ235 and ruxolitinib synergistically inhibits JAK2V617F mutated Ba/F3-EPOR and SET2 cells, EEC from PV patients, and CD34+-derived colonies from PMF patients. (A–C) Progressively increasing amounts of BEZ235 and ruxolitinib were used according to the Chou and Talalay method to estimate the interactions of the drugs in cultures of Ba/F3-EPOR VF cells (A) and SET2 cells (B), and in semisolid media favouring the growth of EEC progenitors from four PV patients (C). End-points were the measure of proliferation inhibition in cultures of Ba/F3-EPOR VF and SET2 cells and the number of EPO-independent erythroid colonies in the EEC assay. A combination Index (CI) was then calculated; a CI < 0.9 indicates that the interaction of the two drugs is synergistic. ‘Fa’ is the cell fraction affected by combined amounts of the two drugs. (D) The effects of combination of BEZ235 and ruxolitinib was also measured in clonogenic assay using CD34+ cells obtained from three patients with PMF. Erythroid and myeloid colonies were counted together to calculate the cell fraction affected (only Fa50 and Fa80 values are shown).