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. 2014 Jul 31;9(7):e103967. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103967

Table 2. Candidate target genes in the vicinity (±50 kb) of the G12424 insertion, as numbered in Fig. 3A.

# Gene IDa Orthology name andFlyBase CG#d Drosophila gene descriptions, including stages of peak expression (PE) and embryonic in situ (eISH) expression notes (citations in Methods)
1 TC008244 (au2.g6126.t1; au3.g5375.t1) No orthologue;best hit: goliath(gol; CG2679) Zinc-finger transcription factor; role in mesoderm development; PE: 6–24 h embryonic and all later stages; eISH: visceral and pharyngeal muscles, stages 11–16
2 TC007230 (au2.g6127.t1; au3.g5376.t1) No homologues in Drosophila. Eleven similar genes in Tribolium.
3 TC007229 (au2.g6129.t1; au3.g5378.t1) Ef1y (CG11901) Translation elongation activity; PE: 0–12 h embryonic and early larval; eISH: maternal and ubiquitous, stages 1–16
4 TC008245 (au2.g6130.t1; au3.g5379.t1) CG3702 Transmembrane protein; larval lethal; PE: 0–18 h embryonic and all later stages; eISH: maternal and ubiquitous, stages 1–16
5 TC008246 (au2.g6131.t1; au3.g5380.t1) Glycogen phosphorylase(Gly; CG7254) Innate immune response and glycogen catabolism; PE: 0–6 and 12–24 embryonic and all later stages; eISH: rapidly degraded, ubiquitous maternal expression, later somatic muscles, stages 1–6 and 13–16
6 TC008247b (au2.g6132.t1; au3.g5381.t1) No homologues in Drosophila or Tribolium.
7 TC008248b (au2.g6132.t1; au3.g5381.t1) No homologues in Drosophila or Tribolium.
8 TC007228c (au2.g6133.t1; au3.g5382.t1) TBP-related factor (Trf;CG7562) TFIIA-class transcription factor; PE: 0–6 h embryonic; eISH: maternal and ubiquitous, stages 1–12
9 TC007227c (au2.g6135.t1; au3.g5384.t1) Synaptotagmin 1 (Syt 1;CG3139) Calcium binding; neurotransmitter transport function; PE: 12–24 h embryonic and all later stages; eISH: central nervous system, stages 13–16
10 TC008249 (–; TC008249) No homologues in Drosophila or Tribolium.
11 TC008250 (au2.g6136.t1; au3.g5385.t1) No homologues in Drosophila or Tribolium.
12 TC007226 (au2.g6137.t1; au3.g5386.t1) kekkon-3(kek3; CG4192) Immunoglobulin-like domain; PE: 12–24 h embryonic and all later stages, including adult brain; eISH: no staining detected (with EST IP22191), stages 1–16
13 TC007225 (–; TC007225) No homologues in Drosophila or Tribolium.

Genes are identified by protein prediction models from Tcas_3.0 (official gene set (OGS): TC#, shown in Fig. 3A), AUGUSTUS2 (au2, from July 2012), and AUGUSTUS3 (au3, from September 2013).


Indicates a gene with multiple OGS identifiers but a single Augustus model.


Indicates genes for which in situ hybridization was tested.


Based on reciprocal BLAST identification of the probable Drosophila melanogaster orthologue, or non-orthologous best hit, within the Tribolium genome browser.