Figure 4. Effect of complementation of JB12 with icaC in trans on colony morphology, PNAG production, and biofilm formation.
A. Colony morphology of labeled S. aureus strains on Congo red agar (CRA) plates. B. PNAG slot blot of cell surface fractions probed with polyclonal anti-PNAG antiserum (MN8m and JB12+pCL15-icaC samples were diluted 1∶100 prior to immobilization on membrane whereas JB12 and JB12+pCL15 were not diluted). C. Biofilms formed on microtiter plate wells were stained with safranin and the safranin was quantified by resuspending in acetic acid and measuring OD562 nm. Bars represent the mean OD562 nm of 6 replicates, and error bars indicate the standard deviations. Statistical comparison (unpaired t test) of JB12+pCL15 (empty vector) versus JB12+pCL15-icaC gave a P value of <0.001.