Figure 6. Histology of bile duct after 24 hours reperfusion.
(A): The injury on bile duct was significantly different (P=.041) between CS and NMP groups in the histological scoring;
(B): in hemotoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining (20× magnification), the CS-preserved livers (B1) presented biliary epithelial denudation, transmucosal necrosis, peribiliary gland (PBG) necrosis (arrowed), and fibrin deposition in peribiliary capillary plexus, whilst the NMP-preserved livers (B2) had very mild injury on epithelium, architecture, and plexus; the inserts represented the peribiliary arterioles of respective groups in higher magnification (60×) (B1: arteriolonecrotic; B2: normal);
(C): in von Willebrand factor (vWF) staining (20× magnification), the CS-preserved livers (C1) had more platelet aggregation in peribiliary capillary plexus compared to the NMP-preserved livers (C2); the inserts represented peribiliary venules in higher magnification (60×) (C1: platelet vWF stained and aggregated in vessels; C2: platelet not aggregated and vWF staining mostly on endothelium);
(D): diffuse Ki67 staining (20× magnification) was present in the biliary epithelium and PBGs (arrow head) of the NMP-preserved livers, indicating cell proliferation, but was absent in the CS-preserved livers.