Figure 3.
PCA leaves scatterplot of the plants treated with and without biostimulants (upper, A) and position of the variables projected in the plane as determined by the first two principal axes (lower, B) (85% explained variance). Alfalfa hydrolyzed (AH) and red grape (RG) biostimulants applied at low (l) and high (h) doses, whereas no application was performed on the control (untreated, UNT). Black and white diamonds correspond to the leaves chemical composition after the 1st and 2nd application. AA, antioxidant activity; As, ascorbic acid; β-car, β-carotene; Caf, caffeic acid; Chl, chlorogenic acid; Coum, p-coumaric acid; Epi, epicatechic acid; Fer, ferulic acid; Fru, fructose; Glu, glucose; Hyd, p-hydroxybenzoic acid; LFW, leaves fresh weight; Que, quercetin; and TP, total phenols.