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. 2013 Sep 22;24(3):425–438. doi: 10.1007/s10926-013-9475-4

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics–intervention group (n = 110)

Patient characteristics
 Age (years ± SD) 43.5 ± 7.8
 Education levela
  Low 10 (9.1)
  Intermediate 50 (45.5)
  High 50 (45.5)
Surgery related characteristics
 Adnexal surgery (LAS) 51 (46.0)
 Laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) 17 (15.5)
 Vaginal hysterectomy (TVH) 25 (23.0)
 Abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) 17 (15.5)
Health related characteristics
 Self-rated health status (mean ± SD)b 78.4 ± 15.7
Work related characteristics
 Type of work
  Salaried employed 89 (80.9)
  Self-employed 19 (17.3)
  Voluntary work 2 (1.8)
 Work hours per week (mean ± SD) 30.3 ± 9.2

Numbers present frequencies and percentages unless otherwise specified

aLow = preschool, primary school; intermediate = lower and upper secondary; high = tertiary education, university or postgraduate

bEuroQol VAS-scale ranging from 0 (=worst imaginable health) to 100 (=best imaginable health)