Figure 3.
Kaplan-Meier survival curves for β-thalassemia (β-thal) patients with or without KLF1 mutations for needing transfusion in cohort C (log-rank test P value). Patients had not received a transfusion by the end of the study, which was recorded as censored data. The 2 sample-matched pairs, 7 vs 362 β-thalassemia cases with or without KLF1 mutations and 12 vs 342 TI cases with or without KLF1 mutations, are shown at the top of the chart. The 4 colored lines represent each of the 4 groups, respectively. Selection of well-matched 7 vs 362 subjects is described in our “Statistical analysis” section. To compare the median time to the first transfusion in the 2 groups of TI patients, all 12 TI cases with KLF1 mutations vs all 342 TI cases without KLF1 mutations were used for the Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis.