Figure 6.
The calveolin-binding motif. (a) The conserved calveolin-binding motif (CBM) is evident in the alignment of the sequences of SmVAL4, GAPR1, Pry1 and Pry2. The secondary-structural elements shown are for SmVAL4 and GAPR1 (PDB entry 4aiw). The location of the CBM is identified with a blue line, while the CRISP1 motif is shown as a red line. The figure was generated using EsPript and ClustalW and structural elements are labeled as described in Fig. 2 ▶. (b) The superposed ribbon structures of SmVAL4 (gray) and GAPR1 (cyan) reveals the conformational flexibility of the CBM (shown in stick representation and identified with a blue arrow). The inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) that was co-crystallized with GAPR1 is shown in a cyan stick representation. (c) Close-up of the superposed CBM showing the conformational difference of the loops.