Figure 4. SoxE Expression.
The SoxE family show low level of early expression with SoxE1 and E2 expression in the neural plate at E4 (A & H). SoxE1 (A–G) begins showing expression in the pre-migratory neural crest (C & C′) then cranial ganglia (D, D′, E, E′, & E″), dorsal root ganglia (F & F′), and the branchial cartilage at late stages (G & G′). SoxE2(H–N) is also expressed heavily in the premigratory neural crest (I & I′) and ultimately in the optic (K, K′, L, L′ and N′), otic vesicles (M&M′), and branchial arches (N–N‴). SoxE3(O–U) is expressed early in the otic vesicle (Q & Q′). It is later expressed heavily in the otic vesicle (S & S′), other crancial ganglia (S–U), neural tube, branchial arches (S–U). Op: optic vesicle, Ot: otic vesicle, BA: branchial arch